Welcome to the Association Rotary Communication Services (RCS)

Who is the Rotary Communication Services association?

The Rotary Communication Services (RCS) association, founded in 2006, is the centrepiece of Rotary communication in Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein. Since the best message is worthless if it does not get through, and the annual changing of the guard in Rotary brings dynamism but not exactly sustainability, it was necessary to create a new body: an organisation made up of experts who are dedicated to Rotarian communication in the long term and in a professional manner.

The primary goal of the RCS is to disseminate the ideas and goals of Rotary International in both countries – both internally and externally.

However, the RCS is much more than just a manager of information. It provides state-of-the-art tools, uses the relevant communication channels and offers help with administrative issues. The main areas in which the RCS is active are as follows:


1. Rotary platform Polaris

For 16 years, the Rotary Club Management System (RCMS) provided good service. In January 2021, it was replaced and sent into well-deserved retirement. Since then, Polaris has been helping clubs maintain their websites, plan events, and send bulletins. The system's capabilities also include maintaining club calendars, registering for events, document management and recording attendance using QR codes. In short, Polaris is a tool that makes day-to-day work significantly easier for the clubs. Developed in Switzerland, it has become a real export hit: today, more than 70,000 Rotarians in ten countries use this platform.

Rotary Service Center

2. Rotary Service Center: Service is our top priority here

The Rotary Service Center, located in Winterthur since March 2023, is the reliable point of contact for all administrative and technical questions from the clubs. Often, simply pointing out the right point of contact is enough to solve problems.

What many Rotarians don't know is that the Rotary Service Centre has nothing to do with the Zurich office of Rotary International. While everything related to Switzerland and Liechtenstein is handled in Winterthur, the Zurich office is responsible for Europe and Africa.

3. Data management

One of the RCS's great strengths and central tasks is the efficient administration of member data. Polaris ensures that the data is always up to date and automatically synchronised with the Rotary International database. This not only guarantees smooth organisation, but also the highest data security. In the past, member data for Switzerland and Liechtenstein was published in the so-called ‘Yearbook’, a kind of telephone book. Members had become accustomed to the heavy tome fluttering to their homes once a year. However, as digitalisation progressed, it was decided to dispense with paper – especially since all the data can be viewed in Polaris around the clock and is always up to date.


4. Communication

The RCS sees itself as the voice of the Rotarian world in Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein. With the monthly publication of the official member magazine ‘Rotary Suisse Liechtenstein’, it ensures that current topics, projects and successes of the clubs are made visible, and that, on the other hand, the messages from Evanston reach our clubs. External communication and media relations are also part of the RCS's remit.


Behind the success of the RCS is a dedicated team of experienced Rotarians. The volunteer board of directors steers the strategic direction of the association, covering a wide range of skills from communications and IT to publishing and finance. Together, the team ensures that clubs receive the support they need to thrive.

Organisation Structure